“SCANDENS PHARMACEUTİCAL İNDUSTRİES Ltd” – the first pharmaceutical plant for the complete production cycle of Pharmaceutical formulations in Azerbaijan was established in 2016. Construction of the plant started in 2017.
The first stage of production involves solid medicines forms including tablets, capsules and granules over the full production cycle from granulation to finished products and batch release from its own Quality Control laboratory as well as its high standard Quality system.
The second stage will be for Manufacturing and release of ointments and suppositories.
The third stage is targeted to the sterilized products – ampoules for injection and infusion solutions.
“Scandens Pharmaceuticals İndustries Ltd” offers large cooperation opportunities with other pharmaceutical companies in the areas of producers of manufacturing based on technology transfer, licensed production, and contract production.
The plant is designed by one of the leading consulting companies engaged in the pharmaceutical field who has more than 400 pharmaceutical successfully operating plants into their credit in various countries across the globe.
Plant current designed production capacity in the first stage is 600 million tablets and 150 million capsules, which will provide the need for tablet and capsule medicine forms of many therapeutic groups, such as cardiology, antidiabetic, anti-tuberculosis, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and others. More than 100 generic formulations are being planned to produce.