Analytical services : (a) means a facility in possession of prescription drugs for the purpose of analysis; and (b) does not include a laboratory possessing prescription drugs used as standards and controls in performing drug monitoring or drug screening analysis if the prescription drugs are pre-diluted in a human or animal body fluid, human or animal body fluid components, organic solvents, or inorganic buffers at a concentration not exceeding one milligram per milliliter when labeled or otherwise designated as being for in-vitro diagnostic use. (3) “Central Order Entry” means a pharmacy where functions are performed at the request of another pharmacy to perform processing functions such as dispensing, drug review, refill authorizations, and therapeutic interventions. ([2]4) “Drugs”, as used in this[ese] rule[s], means drugs or devices. ([3]5) “Dispense”, as defined in Subsection 58-17b-102(23), does not include transferring medications for a patient from a legally dispensed prescription for that particular patient into a daily or weekly drug container to facilitate the patient taking the correct medication.

([4]6) “Drug therapy management” means the review of a drug therapy regimen of a patient by one or more pharmacists for the purpose of evaluating and rendering advice to one or more practitioners regarding adjustment of the regimen. ([5]7) “High-risk, medium-risk, and low-risk drugs” refers to the risk to a patient’s health from compounding sterile preparations, as referred to in USP-NF Chapter 797, for details of determining risk level. ([6]8) “Hospice facility pharmacy” means a pharmacy that supplies drugs to patients in a licensed healthcare facility for terminal patients. ([7]9) “Hospital clinic pharmacy” means a pharmacy that is located in an outpatient treatment area where a pharmacist or pharmacy intern is compounding, admixing, or dispensing prescription drugs, and where: (a) prescription drugs or devices are under the control of the pharmacist, or the facility for administration to patients of that facility; (b) prescription drugs or devices are dispensed by the pharmacist or pharmacy intern; or (c) prescription drugs are administered in accordance with the order of a practitioner by an employee or agent of the facility. ([8]10)
“Legend drug” means any drug or device that has been determined to be unsafe for self-medication or any drug or device that bears or is required to bear the legend: (a) “Caution: federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription”; (b) “Caution: federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian”; or (c) “Rx only”. ([9]11) “Maintenance medications” means medications the patient takes on an ongoing basis. ([10]12) “MPJE” means the Multistate Jurisprudence Examination. ([11]13) “NABP” means the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. ([12]14) “NAPLEX” means North American Pharmacy Licensing Examination. ([13]15) “Parenteral” means a method of drug delivery injected into body tissues but not via the gastrointestinal tract.