High Tech laboratory capable of conducting microbiology, physicochemical, physical and chemical studies based on the last laboratory methods, insures of the high quality medicines production.
“Scandens” is committed to provide the customer safe and efficacious healthcare products of consistent quality conforming to international standards and Good manufacturing Practices. We implement Quality Management System (QMS) that focuses on continual improvement aimed at optimizing processes and eliminating non-value-adding efforts in production.
Scandens Quality benchmark is achieved by strict adherence to the following:
- cGMP requirements
- Document Control systems
- Material Vendor Qualification
- Strict İn-process controls
- Effective Change Control Procedure
- Periodic İnternal Audits
- Training Management

Quality Control
Sophisticated Analytical Laboratory
- Chemical and İnstrumentation Laboratories
- Expenced Quality Control Professionals
- Chromatographic and Non-chromatographic instruments
- Climatic Chambers for Stability Study
- GLP concept in all lab functions
Microbiology Laboratory
- Well equipped Microbiology Laboratory
- Experienced Microbiologists
- Class 100000 Clean room
- Incubation and Sterilization Facility
- Laminar Air Flow Booths
- Aseptic Technics Followed